Our Bamboo Egyptian Cotton Sheets and Duvet Cover sets are a soft, luxurious fusion of bamboo with Egyptian cotton. Bamboo fibres are soft as silk and naturally breathable, as well as an Eco friendly fibre.
You will love sleeping on this fabulous bedding. It feels cool in the Summer and warm in the Winter. It won't pill, so the silky softness will last and last. A combination of 60% Bamboo and 40% Egyptian cotton puts this new product into a class above the rest. This new blend creates luxury and softness, a melting point between old & new.
Bamboo has a high amount of natural antibacterial qualities and these are carried over when the bamboo is created into sheets and duvet covers. Bamboo sheets not only depict the bamboo’s antibacterial qualities fantastically, but also their natural anti fungal properties, the same properties that protect the bamboo from insects and other pests when it is growing in the many populated bamboo fields.
Numerous tests of the cleanliness of bamboo sheets have been carried out. The China Industrial Testing Center carried out extensive research on bamboo sheets and attempted to infect them with the Staphylococcus aureous bacteria over a 24 hour period. After the 24 hour incubation period hand ended, the study showed that the 100% bamboo sheets eliminated or repelled 99.8% of the Staphylococcus aureous bacteria, making bamboo sheets one of the best antibacterial sheets available on the market today.
Bamboo/Egyptian cotton sheets are fantastic bed sheets for a variety of reasons. Their pure cleanliness makes them ideal for use for people with allergies, germaphobes or laundry challenged. Their immense lavishness allows bamboo/Egyptian cotton sheets to be considered the most comfortable and relaxing bed sheets available.
Now available at Sheila's Window Toppers in a variety of colors and sizes.